Ceramics by Andrew Nicholls, 2012-2014
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Photographic works by Eva Fernandez, 2012-2014
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries
Ceramics by Andrew Nicholls, 2012-2014
Ceramics by Andrew Nicholls, 2012-2014

Florid, co-curated with Clare McFarlane showed at fortyfivedownstairs, Melbourne, from 25 March - 22 April 2014, and at Turner Galleries Perth from 4 July - 2 August 2014

Florid showcased recent works by eight Western Australian mid-career artists who reference histories of decoration in order to explore subjectivity, identity, colonialism and/or nationalism. 


Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs

The word 'florid' has both corporeal and aesthetic connotations as both describing the physical state of being flushed, and as a somewhat derogatory term for elaborate or excessively intricate detail. The curators particularly invited the participating artists to reference its antiquated meaning of 'being covered in flowers'. The artists were encouraged to explore the notion of excess, to create works in which the ornamental becomes too elaborate, where the intricate crosses over into something oppressive or sinister.

Shown above are works by Clare McFarlane, Olga Cironis, Susan Flavell and Eva Fernandez.

Photographic works by Eva Fernandez, 2012-2014
Photographic works by Eva Fernandez, 2012-2014

Collectively, the participating artists draw upon influences including Rococo porcelain, Victorian china patterning, Arts and Crafts Movement design, and the decorative arts during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The exhibition works spanned painting, sculpture, textiles, photography, drawing and ceramics.

Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs

Works by Clare McFarlane (background) and Susan Flavell (foreground)

Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs

Works by Thea Costantino (background) and Susan Flavell (foreground)

Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs
Installation view at fortyfivedownstairs

Works by Andrew Nicholls, Clare McFarlane and Susan Flavell

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Eva Fernandez, Thea Costantino, Ryan Nazzari and Susan Flavell

Photograph by Eva Fernandez

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Eva Fernandez and Thea Costantino

Photograph by Eva Fernandez

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Ryan Nazzari, Andrew Nicholls, Olga Cironis, Susan Flavell and Clare McFarlane

Photograph by Eva Fernandez

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Andrew Nicholls

Photograph by Eva Fernandez

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Ryan Nazzari

Photograph by Eva Fernandez

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Olga Cironis

Photograph by Eva Fernandez

Installation view at Turner Galleries
Installation view at Turner Galleries

Works by Mel Dare

Photograph by Eva Fernandez